################################################# # # Default dnl_tools configuration file # # DNL Tools can be executed in two modes: # - cdr - only CDR Import and CDR Reports available # - full (default) - all features # ################################################# [general] # Log level # debug(7), info(6), notice(5), warning(4), err(3), crit(2), alert(1), emerg(0) # Default: debug #log_level = 7 # Max size of the log file in Kb (1Mb - 1Gb). # Default: 307200 (300 Mb) #max_log_size = 307200 # Rates expiration time in days (30 - 365) # 0 - do not delete expired rates # Default: 90 days # Not available in 'cdr' mode #del_rate_when_expired_days = 90 # Automatically delete old data from the *_record tables # Default: enabled # Not available in 'cdr' mode #auto_clean_db = true # Post interval for version_information table in seconds (3 - 10800) # Default: 60 seconds #status_update_inv = 60 [db] # Database connection # Default values are taken from dnl_softswitch.conf #db_host = #db_listen_port = 5432 #db_name = class4_dnl #db_user = class4_user #db_user_password = [cdr] # Path to CDR directory # Default is taken from dnl_softswitch.conf #import_cdr_basic_path = /opt/denovo_v6/dnl_softswitch/cdr/ # Maximum length of the Call-ID string in CDR record (1-255). # Default: 150 #callid_max_len = 150 # Import CDR files into client_cdrYYYYMMDD tables # Default: enabled #feature_import_cdr = true # Check DB TPS when importing data. # Default: enabled #feature_check_db_tps = true # Delay in seconds (90-300). # Default: 180 sec #cdr_delay = 180 # Delay in seconds (75-300). # Default: 75 sec #cdr_file_delay = 75 # Max amount of CDR to import in a single COPY IN # Default: 0 (unlimited) #cdr_per_copy_number = 0 # Delay between each COPY operation in milliseconds # Default: 0 (no delay) #cdr_per_copy_msleep = 0 # Count data before truncating tables # Default: yes #count_before_truncate = yes # # CDR report # # Enable CDR reports creation # Default: enabled #cdr_report = true # Step of detail CDR reports in minutes (1 - 60) # Default: 5 minutes #cdr_report_step = 5 # Delay of detail CDR reports creation in minutes (2 - 10) # Default: 3 minutes #cdr_report_delay = 3 # Max amount of values to import in a single COPY IN # Default: 0 (unlimited) #report_per_copy_number = 0 # Write LERG info in cdr_report_detail # Default: enabled #enable_lerg_report = true # Ring PDD values to aggregate in detail CDR report. # Allowed: comma-separated list of positive integers (max 10 values). # Default: do not stat PDD in CDR report. #cdr_ring_pdd_statistics_value = 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,50 [create_table] # Automatically create tables, using conf/create_table.sql file # Default: enabled # Not available in 'cdr' mode #create_table = true # When to create tables (hour 0-23). # Default: 23:00 #create_table_execute_hour = 23 # in days (2 - 730) # Default: 180 days #insert_trigger_check_day = 180 [balance_daily] # Enable balance management # Default: enabled # Not available in 'cdr' mode #create_balance_daily = true # When to run balance calculations (hour 0-23) # Default: 05:00 #balance_daily_execute_hour = 5 # Generate balance log (balance_log table). # Default: enabled #generate_balance_log = true